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Posted 07/09/2010 in Bankruptcy and Debt

Tax Relief Tips for Resolving IRS Garnishments

Tax Relief Tips for Resolving IRS Garnishments

Tax Relief Tips for Resolving IRS Wage Garnishments, IRS Tax Liens and IRS Bank Levies

The Internal Revenue Service is the most brutal collection agency on earth. Once they have you in their sights, you can count on them hounding you with IRS tax liens, IRS wage garnishments and IRS bank levies until they are satisfied that your IRS back taxes are paid. If you've been threatened by intrusive IRS collection tactics, it's important that you take prompt action to delay or halt them. Check out these tips for expert IRS tax help for preserving your assets, savings, wages, credit rating and sanity.

Owing back taxes to the IRS can be a terrifying experience that can leave you feeling helpless and hopeless. Can you live on $179 a week? That is the amount you will have to live on if the IRS garnishes your paycheck because you owe back taxes.

Fortunately, a tax attorney or Certified Tax Resolution Specialist can act as both your guide and advocate for IRS tax relief. Getting expert tax help understanding IRS tax liens, IRS wage garnishments and IRS bank levies can help you delay or halt intrusive IRS collection tactics including levies on wages, assets, savings and checking accounts.

Resolving IRS Wage Garnishments, IRS Tax Liens and IRS Bank Levies Tip #1: Know What’s at Stake
The actual seizure action taken to collect IRS back taxes can be an IRS tax lien, IRS bank levy, or IRS wage garnishments. It can leave you financially crippled for years.

If you have received a collection notice from the government about IRS back taxes, threatening an IRS tax lien, IRS bank levy, or IRS wage
garnishment, expert tax help is available if you move fast and hire the right tax attorney or Certified Tax Resolution Specialist. If you are in trouble for owing IRS back taxes, the sooner you get IRS tax relief from a tax attorney or Certified Tax Resolution Specialist the better. You will need their expert IRS tax help to get through this experience with your career, sanity and credit rating intact.

Resolving IRS Wage Garnishments, IRS Tax Liens and IRS Bank Levies Tip #2: Know What an IRS Bank Levy Is and What It Can Do to You
An IRS bank levy levy can affect your car, boat, house, wages, retirement accounts, dividends, bank accounts, licenses, rental income, accounts receivables, the cash loan value of your life insurance or commissions or any bank accounts with your name on them such as your children’s.

If you get a notice of an impending IRS bank levy, with the help of a tax attorney or Certified Tax Resolution Specialist, you still have a tiny bit of wiggle room, but the door for IRS tax help is closing fast. A professional tax attorney or Certified Tax Resolution Specialist can walk you through the process of countering an IRS bank levy with an option to resolve IRS back taxes like a proposed payment plan. This will not protect you from eventually having to pay something, but it will be on your terms and will save you the embarrassment of having to explain what happened to your kids’ college funds.

Resolving IRS Wage Garnishments, IRS Tax Liens and IRS Bank Levies Tip #3: Know What IRS Wage Garnishment Is and What It Can Do to You
IRS wage garnishments are crippling, and can leave you to live on literally pennies on the dollar. IRS wage garnishments that resolve IRS back taxes are filed with your employer and take typically 30-70% of your paycheck.

There is too much at stake. Once your boss knows about your IRS wage garnishment and thinks that you’ve tried to cheat the government, she might start to wonder whether you’re trying to pull a fast one on her. Your career trajectory will end up in a sink hole, and you may have to figure out how to satisfy an IRS wage garnishment on unemployment.

If you think an IRS wage garnishment is a possibility you need IRS tax help, and it is imperative that you contact a tax attorney or Certified Tax Resolution Specialist immediately. They will put together an IRS back tax payment alternative like an Offer in Compromise.

Resolving IRS Wage Garnishments, IRS Tax Liens and IRS Bank Levies Tip #4: Know What an IRS Tax Lien Is and What It Can Do to You
An IRS tax lien is a claim used as security for the tax debt. IRS tax liens are filed with the county clerk, and because they are public records they show up on your credit report.

IRS tax liens can tie up your personal property and real estate. Once an IRS tax lien is filed to resolve IRS back taxes, you cannot sell or transfer the property. Often taxpayers find themselves in a Catch-22 under IRS tax liens where they have property that they would like to borrow against, but because of the IRS tax lien, they cannot get a loan.

You’ll need a tax attorney or Certified Tax Resolution Specialist to get IRS tax relief and walk you through this minefield safely. The IRS will never tell you what all of your options are for IRS tax help and how to exercise them. Your tax attorney or Certified Tax Resolution Specialist has the expertise to resolve IRS back taxes with a solution like having you designated “currently not collectible.”

Resolving IRS Wage Garnishments, IRS Tax Liens and IRS Bank Levies Tip #5: You Can Appeal the IRS!
If you owe back taxes and have been threatened with an IRS wage garnishment, IRS tax lien or IRS bank levy, you can file a Collection Appeal within a certain legal time frame and within the stated rules. It is assigned to an Appeals Officer who is required to make a decision within five days. Your tax attorney or Certified Tax Resolution Specialist knows exactly how to do this.

If you owe IRS back taxes, they will get you with an IRS tax lien, IRS bank levy, or IRS wage garnishment. They hold all the cards and they know all the rules. Do you? Tax attorneys or Certified Tax Resolution Specialists specialize in assisting clients in having their IRS back tax issues resolved once and for all.

If you have received threatening collection notices about IRS back taxes or an IRS tax lien, IRS bank levy, or IRS wage garnishment, do not incriminate yourself by trying to work with the IRS without advice from a tax attorney or Certified Tax Resolution Specialist. A tax attorney or Certified Tax Resolution Specialist will handle your IRS back tax communications and ensure that everything is done to make the IRS tax lien, IRS bank levy, or IRS wage garnishment go away.

For more information on achieving a tax resolution for your IRS problems, visit www.taxresolution.com for a free tax relief consultation or call 866-IRS-PROBLEMS.

Michael Rozbruch
, one of the nation’s leading tax experts, is a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist (CTRS), licensed CPA in the state of Maryland and the founder of Tax Resolution Services (http://www.taxresolution.com/). He teams up with an expert staff of tax attorneys, CPAs, and tax relief professionals to help individuals and small businesses solve their IRS problems with tax liens, unfiled back taxes, offers in compromise, wage levies, tax relief, delinquent returns, tax debt installment plans, bankruptcy and protecting an innocent spouse from unfair tax burdens.

[Note from HandelontheLaw.com: This article is to be used as an educational guide only and should not be interpreted as a legal consultation. Readers of this article are advised to seek an attorney if a legal consultation is needed. Laws may vary by state and are subject to change, thus the accuracy of this information can not be guaranteed. Readers act on this information solely at their own risk. Neither HandelontheLaw.com, or any of its affiliates, shall have any liability stemming from this article.]

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