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39 Top Local Lawyers in Wilmington, Delaware

Michael P. Minuti

When you’ve been injured or lost a loved one due to an accident on the road, in the workplace or due to medical malpractice, you want an attorney who

Wilmington, Delaware, 19801, United States

John Williams

John Legaré Williams is President of The Williams Law Firm, P.A. John adds vigor and continuity to the Williams Law Firm, which was founded by his

Wilmington, Delaware, 19801, United States

Susan Ament

Having practiced law for over 36 years representing clients injured in serious motor vehicle accidents or on the job, I appreciate that my position affords

Wilmington, Delaware, 19806, United States

Dennis D. Ferri

Dennis D. Ferri, Of Counsel to the Wilmington, Delaware office of Reger Rizzo & Darnall, has been an active trial lawyer for 43 years. Over those years,

Wilmington, Delaware, 19803, United States

Michael W. Modica

If you are charged with crime or traffic offense, you will need an experienced trial lawyer. You will need someone who goes to court on a regular basis. EXPERIENCE

Wilmington, Delaware, 19801, United States

Eric Doroshow

In 1978, I opened Delaware’s first suburban law office to respond to the overwhelming need for legal services for the middle income consumer. The rich

Wilmington, Delaware, 19805, United States

William R. Stewart III

Bill is a partner at Pratcher Krayer LLC, practicing in personal injury and workers' compensation. Bill graduated from LaSalle University the Widener

Wilmington, Delaware, 19806, United States

Robyn T. Williams

Robyn Williams is an Associate at Devlin Law Firm LLC. During law school, Ms. Williams worked as a law clerk in the Intellectual Property Group for a top-ranked

Wilmington, Delaware, 19806, United States

Michael L. Vild

Michael L. Vild joined the firm in 2019 after serving as the Director of the Fraud and Consumer Protection Division of the Delaware Department of Justice.

Wilmington, Delaware, 19801, United States

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