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Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Results

4 Best Government Law Attorneys in District Of Columbia

Roxann Pais Cotroneo

Government Law Attorney

Washington, District of Columbia, 20006, United States

Mohsen Zarkesh

Mohsen Zarkesh is the Principal Attorney at the firm who specializes in U.S. trade and economic sanctions at the Zarkesh Law Firm, P.C. Mr. Zarkesh brings

Washington, District of Columbia, 20005, United States

Andrea Ewart

DevelopTradeLaw, LLC was founded by Andrea M. Ewart, Esq. to provide custom-tailored legal and business solutions to companies doing business internationally.

Washington, District of Columbia, 20006, United States

Alan Grayson

Have represented hundreds of contractors/employees in bid protests, claims, investigations, audits, debarment. Served in Congress for three terms, 2009-10

Washington, District of Columbia, 20005, United States