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174 Best Attorney Results - Florida

Jesse Hoyer Estes

Jesse Hoyer is a founding member of Hoyer Law Group, PLLC. Jesse works in the firm’s Tampa, Florida office where she oversees the False Claims Act qui tam division.

Tampa, Florida, 33618, United States

Alejandro E. Jordan

Real Estate Law Attorney

Coral Gables, Florida, 33134, United States

Mandy Pavlakos

Business Law Attorney

Lake Mary, Florida, 32746, United States

Justin M. Brick

Estate Planning Law Attorney

Mount Dora, Florida, 32757, United States

Patrick J. Rengstl

Patrick also has extensive experience representing court-appointed receivers and corporate monitors in state and federal courts in Florida, typically in cases

Pinecrest, Florida, 33156, United States

Steven Bell

Steven Kenneth Bell, Esquire graduated from the University of Florida in 2001 with a bachelor’s degree in Advertising. Immediately after graduation,

West Palm Beach, Florida, 33401, United States

Neal R. Kalis

Real Estate Law Attorney

Davie, Florida, 33314, United States

Xenia Hernández

We are a law firm specializing relentlessly seeking compensation for those injured in accidents. At Xenia Hernández Law, we understand that an accident

Miami, Florida, 33166, United States

Nicole Moskowitz

Bankruptcy and Debt Attorney

Aventura, Florida, 33160, United States

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