Kansas City, Missouri, 64108
After briefing, arguing, and winning his first appeal while still a law student, Jonathan knew the intellectual challenges of appellate practice were for him. So, in 2007, immediately after graduating and being admitted to the bar, he opened his appellate practice. Since then, he has been privileged to represent a wide spectrum of clients nationwide, including Fortune 500® companies and other businesses in complex, high-value suits, citizens challenging controversial laws, individuals facing serious criminal sentences or involved in heartwrenching domestic disputes, and many others.
In addition to his practice, Jonathan is active in a variety of professional and civic organizations, including having chaired the appellate-related committees of both the statewide Missouri Bar and the local Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association.
Jonathan was born in 1981 in New Haven, Connecticut, and grew up in Kansas City, Missouri. He and his wife, Meredith, reside in Kansas City’s Plaza area.