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12 Top Local Lawyers in Lincoln, Nebraska

Ryan D. Caldwell

My name is Ryan D. Caldwell and I founded Caldwell Law on the core belief that, as an attorney, lawyer, and law firm, collaboration, comprehensive education

Lincoln, Nebraska, 68504, United States

Mary K. Hansen

Mary Kay’s practice focuses on the mediation of family law matters throughout Nebraska, including: divorce, parenting plans, custody, alimony, paternity,

Lincoln, Nebraska, 68521, United States

Vanessa Gorden

Helping Families Move Forward - GordenLaw is a family law firm assisting clients throughout Nebraska

Lincoln, Nebraska, 68506, United States

Cameron E. Guenzel

Cameron E. Guenzel practices in the area of civil litigation, with an emphasis on personal injury, wrongful death, long-term care, and insurance claims.

Lincoln, Nebraska, 68508, United States

Corey J. Wasserburger

Corey J. Wasserburger joined Johnson, Flodman, Guenzel & Widger in September 2011 after clerking with the firm for several years. Mr. Wasserburger's

Lincoln, Nebraska, 68508, United States

John S. Berry Jr.

Attorney John S. Berry Jr. helps his clients fight some of the most important battles of their lives. Not only has he led successful teams in the courtroom,

Lincoln, Nebraska, 68510, United States

Glen D. Witte

Glen has more than 25 years of experience practicing law in Nebraska. With the aid of his trusty airplane, he can meet with clients throughout the entire

Lincoln, Nebraska, 68507, United States

Linsey A. Camplin
Lincoln, Nebraska, 68508, United States

Abbie J. Widger

Abbie J. Widger practices in the areas of healthcare and administrative law, with an emphasis on regulatory matters. She is general counsel for The Nebraska

Lincoln, Nebraska, 68508, United States

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