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Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Results

8 Best Lawyers in Eugene, Oregon, United States

John Bell

Attorney John Bell is a native Oregonian, raised in a small town near the Columbia River.  He loves the lifestyle and landscape that Oregon offers and

Eugene, Oregon, 97401, United States

Erin A. Fennerty

Born in Alaska, Erin moved to Astoria, Oregon as a young child. After moves to Salt Lake City for college and later to the Washington, DC metropolitan area,

Eugene, Oregon, 97401, United States

Emily S. Hill

I have practiced law in Eugene, Oregon since 2004. I enjoy delivering exceptional client service and take pride in gaining and retaining my clients' confidence.

Eugene, Oregon, 97401, United States

Bruce W. Newton

Bruce was born and spent his childhood in the Ozark Mountains of Southwestern Missouri. After his family moved to Central Oregon in 1967, Bruce attended Bend

Eugene, Oregon, 97401, United States

Tom Hoyt

Estate Planning Law Attorney

Eugene, Oregon, 97401, United States

Don Corson

Don Corson represents people seriously injured or killed by defective products, industrial accidents, hospital system failures, serious vehicle and truck

Eugene, Oregon, 97401, United States

Jennifer J. Middleton

Shareholder Jennifer Middleton brings over twenty years of distinctive legal service, advancing and defending the rights of individuals in employment and

Eugene, Oregon, 97401, United States

Michelle Blackwell

Blackwell Law represents businesses and people in professional license defense matters, trust and estate disputes, employment law defense, administrative

Eugene, Oregon, 97402, United States