Phoenix, Arizona, 85028
Paula J. Burnstein is a family law and divorce atÂtorÂney located in PhoeÂnix, AriÂzona. She also has a Peoria office location. She has more than 20 years of legal experience, all of which have been solely foÂcusÂed on famÂily law. She is passÂioÂnate about advocating for families’ rights during what can be a very emoÂtioÂnal time. Paula has reÂpresÂented a variety of inÂdiÂviÂduals and famÂilies thÂroÂugh the proÂcess of marÂriage dissoÂlution, and she is able to proÂvide comÂpeÂtent legal adÂvice with care and compasÂsion. As a member of the State Bar of AriÂzona, Paula has extenÂsive knowÂledge of Arizona’s family law and divorce law.
As a memÂber of the State Bar of AriÂzona, Paula has extenÂsive knowÂledge of Arizona’s famÂily law and divorce policy. She knows many of the attorneys and judÂges in town and is well aware of how to best coÂunÂsel and reÂpreÂsent you to get you the reÂsults you want.
In addition to Paula’s legal degree, she has earned a Master’s in Education in Counseling from Northern Arizona State University. Her knowledge of psychological issues gives her an added edge in custody cases.
One of the most difficult cases is where one parent makes false allegations of physical or sexual abuse against the other parent. Paula has successfully defended against false claims of physical and sexual abuse.