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17 Top Local Lawyers in Wichita, Kansas

Broc E. Whitehead

Broc E. Whitehead has practiced law in Kansas for more than 30 years. Mr. Whitehead is a lifelong Kansas resident and lives in Wichita with his wife and two

Wichita, Kansas, 67202, United States

Brad Pistotnik

Brad Pistotnik graduated from Kansas State University in 1978. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. Brad’s major

Wichita, Kansas, 67206, United States

Tyler Patterson

Tyler Patterson is a trial attorney with Patterson Legal Group, LC, representing accident victims and their families. Tyler has developed an extensive network

Wichita, Kansas, 67209, United States

Tom E. Hammond

Hammond Zongker & Farris LLC is a Wichita Law Firm concentrating on representing injured people in workers’ compensation, personal injury, wrongful

Wichita, Kansas, 67202, United States

Doug Coe

Doug Coe is a third generation Wichitan with a passion to help clients achieve the peace of mind and knowledge that all of their ducks are in a row.  

Wichita, Kansas, 67218, United States

Dustin L. DeVaughn

With an unprecedented jury trial record and a history of multi-million dollar jury verdicts – Dustin L. DeVaughn loves trying lawsuits almost as much

Wichita, Kansas, 67226, United States

Ron H. Harnden

Mr. Harnden was born in Liberal, Kansas, and graduated from Southwestern College, Winfield, Kansas in 1970. He obtained his law degree at Washburn University

Wichita, Kansas, 67226, United States

Justen Phelps

Health Care Law Attorney

Wichita, Kansas, 67202, United States

Kari D. Coultis

Kari Coultis has practiced law in Wichita, Kansas since her graduation from the University of Kansas School of Law in 2003. She is a native Kansan, originally

Wichita, Kansas, 67226, United States

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