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37 Best Lawyers in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States

Robert J. Bergeron

Robert Bergeron, principal in Crescent Title and the law firm of Bergeron, Douglass, Frosch and Mack, is in his 20th year of managing residential and commercial

New Orleans, Louisiana, 70118, United States

Chynna M. Anderson

Chynna Anderson is an associate in the New Orleans office of Kean Miller. She joined the firm in 2018 and practices in the energy and environmental litigation,

New Orleans, Louisiana, 70112, United States

Tyler M. Kostal

Tyler Kostal is a partner in the New Orleans office of Kean Miller. She practices in the energy and environmental litigation group, defending energy companies

New Orleans, Louisiana, 70112, United States

James A. Graham

James Graham has worked as an educator in New Orleans. He then served in executive positions in real estate and education. After earning a degree from Loyola

New Orleans, Louisiana, 70113, United States

Brad Harrigan

Brad Harrigan focuses on intellectual property and insurance defense. As part of his intellectual property practice, Mr. Harrigan has managed trademark portfolios

New Orleans, Louisiana, 70130, United States

John Menszer

At the office of John C. Menszer, LLC, we’ve helped thousands of clients just like you to climb out from under the weight of the never-ending cycle

New Orleans, Louisiana, 70112, United States

Tod J. Everage

Tod Everage is a partner in the New Orleans office of Kean Miller. He joined the firm in 2011 and practices in the Offshore Energy and Maritime Litigation

New Orleans, Louisiana, 70112, United States

Chris Liuzza

For Chris Liuzza, all endeavors require a strategy. From the chessboard to the courtroom, Chris is passionate about finding a way to get the best result possible,

New Orleans, Louisiana, 70118, United States

Andrew G. Legrand

Spera Law Group is a full-service law firm dedicated to helping small businesses in the New Orleans community. In addition to the obscure "commercial

New Orleans, Louisiana, 70119, United States

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