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52 Best Attorney Results - Vermont

Kylie J. Peterson

Kylie was born in Rutland, Vermont, and received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Western Legal Traditions, with a Minor in Strategic Intelligence, from Liberty

Rutland, Vermont, 05701, United States

Heather E. Ross

Heather Ross is a principal of the firm, which she joined in December 2016. Ms. Ross’s practice focuses on complex civil and criminal litigation, as

Burlington, Vermont, 05401, United States

Charles L. Powell

I am a former partner of the Philadelphia firm Swartz Campbell, LLC, where I concentrated in insurance defense litigation until my wife and I chose to raise

Hartford, Vermont, 05001, United States

Christina A. Jensen

Christina A. Jensen has practiced at Lisman Leckerling since 1996, and been a director since 2002. She is admitted to practice in the State of Vermont, United

Burlington, Vermont, 05401, United States

Richard J. Fox

Today we live in a world where business relationships have been diminished to mere transactions.  Many of us have a closer relationship with the person

Essex, Vermont, 05452, United States

Brian J. Stark

Brian J. Stark has been representing the interests of Vermont real estate clients since 2003. Previously affiliated with other high-volume real estate law

South Burlington, Vermont, 05403, United States

Avi Springer

Avi Springer joined Rubin Kidney Myer & Vincent as an associate in 2017. He works primarily in the area of criminal defense. Before joining the firm,

Barre, Vermont, 05641, United States

Erin Gallivan

I graduated from Lehigh University in 1993 and Northeastern University School of Law in 1998. After law school, I clerked with a federal judge in Vermont.

Rutland, Vermont, 05701, United States

Karen Kalter

Karen is a native Vermonter who has spent most of her life living in the Rutland area. After graduating from Vermont Law School, cum laude, she worked as

Rutland, Vermont, 05701, United States

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